Thursday, May 14, 2009

rain, rain go away and please come back another day!
Ok mother nature I'm not sure why you are mad at the sun but its time to end the battle.
I'm not sure if you and the rain are now bffs this year and are completely trying to ignore the sun or if the sun has done something to you for you to completely disown him.
My plants are drowning and my grass is growing triple the speed it is suppose to making it impossible for me to just sit by my new pool which I just got installed for relaxation. Not to have to empty unwanted water that the rain is giving.
So if you could just see your way to be friends with the sun again I would appreciate it greatly.
I haven't seen a squirrel in weeks. I haven't heard a bird chirp either. All I have seen is water falling from the sky. So split the friendship equally between the sun and the rain or you will be accused of favortism and you don't want that. Let's start now!

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