Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Busy busy busy bee!
Wow that's what I have been the past couple of days. I have been up early every morning and to bed late.
I have been busy with work, appointments, school stuff, and trying to get the pool stuff completed so I can have a grand opening pool party to kick off the summer. But that's kinda tricky because we just got the pool installed and I have to finish out a corner of the barn as my pool house and get more concert poured for bigger sitting areas and things like that.
Tomorrow I am starting my exercise routine back up and no carbs after 3. It seems to be helping a friend of ours so I'm gonna yet it. I have set a small goal for myself of 10 by the 4th of july.
I also am trying to plan a 4th of kilt party that we host every year. Whew!!!!
I live for this stuff though.

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