Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Heartbeat of the Ozark Car Show

may 16th, 2009 we attended the heartbeat of the ozark car show in downtown rogers. they are a local car club in the area to benefit juvenile diabetes. the weather was again rainy and chilly so when we got there bob was already there with camp crass up and ready. we saved a spot for gary cause he likes to sleep in and we like to get there early for a good spot. they were giving out trophy to top 40 trophies for older model cars and top 10 for newer models, and many specialty awards. the trophies were big i must say i have not seen nicer trophies yet this year.
i entered my 1950 chevy truck (the peppermint express)Gary entered his 1967 ford mustang (but didn't have it judged)bob entered his 2007 ford mustang (misty) and ray shopped at the silent auction and the vendor booths since he sold his 1932 plymouth sedan (the general) and is building a 1967 chevy camaro rs ss (hopefully to be finished by next car show season)
we won many door prizes.

and the wipe out board well it was exciting i must say.
let me explain how if works for those of you that do not know. there is a board with numbers on it and you buy number and then as the numbers get drawn you lose if your number is call. when it gets to the last 2 numbers they ask the two contestants to either split the pot or go for it. and whose ever number is the last number on the board wins the pot.
so this year i picked 5 and 50, ray and cody picked a bunch(to many to remember), bob also bought some as well. as the day goes on they draw numbers and people continue to lose but not us 4. when they get to the last 5 numbers on the board we all 4 and another guy was still in the running. so drew again and called bobs number, so that left me, cody, ray, and one other guy still in. they called the 4th number and it was ray. so it was me, cody and the other guy. i asked cody if it came down between me and him did he want to split the money or go for it and may the best son or mom win and he said go for it. the third to the last number was called it and was cody's so out he was. me and the other guy walked up there and they ask us do you want to split it and i told the guy it did not matter to me (some is better than none any day). so we split and won $50.00 each.
after that bit of excitement they started handing out trophies and we all did well. gary won a specialty award (would have won another had he been judged)
bob won a specialty award and top 10 newer cars
i won police chiefs choice, specialty award for from C&S Customs for chrome, and top 40 older model cars. i was in the top 14 of the 40 which place i'm not sure but mine was called right before they called best of show. which was won by a camaro pictured below.

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