Tuesday, June 2, 2009

United Bank Car Show

Saturday May 30th ray, cody and bob attended the 2nd annual united bank car show. i did not get to attend sadly but i had to be in oklahoma for my sister shaunna's wedding.
this marks the first car show that ray and cody attended with out me, so i sent them a bag with all the necessary items and told ray to keep me posted (which i might add did not happen freely without me calling for the information first.)
since i was not there this update will be short because i was not in attendance to make it full of entertainment.
ray told me there were around 40 cars there and they were giving out plaques to the top 10 plus a few specialty plaques as well. ray and cody entered my 1950 chevy truck the peppermint express
and bob entered his 2007 mustang misty
the hagars did not make it to this show to enter but did arrive as i'm told right as it was over. the outcome was good.
bob received a plaque for best paint and top 10
ray and cody received a plaque for best engine and top 10 (and as i'm told everybody knew that was my truck and he was just showing it for me.) what a great bunch of boys i have.....
way to go guys!

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