Monday, April 27, 2009

Well today was not the best day I ever had but it was a good learning day especially for re. Sometimes a person goes day to day thinking they know how much is coming in and going out but then realize there was more than they originally thought.
Well to sum it all up it was like this
Your driving down the road and hit a few bumps. Then you figure out how to get around the bumps and you are steady going again when you have a flat so you get that fixed and continue on for sometime when you find your self low and fuel and the gas station is 50 miles away but you by the grace of god coast into the station and fill the tank and things are looking brighter and your feeling that your determination with a lot of luck and many many prayers have helped you to almost reach the end of your trip you can in the final home stretch when out of nowhere you crash right into a brick wall.
Well that's how my day was.

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