Tuesday, February 3, 2009


do you ever just sit and think about the future?

what you could do to improve it?

where you'll be in 10 years, 5 years, or even next year.

do you ever just ask yourself

"have i been the best that i could have been?"

if not have i made up for the things that i have done or said wrong?

today i have been just sitting at my desk pondering what life has in store for us next.

i have been thinking what can i, should i, could i, or would i do next.

who could i help?

where will re and i be in 10 years, 5 years, or even next?

will we be working as hard and as long as we do currently or we finally be able to go home and enjoy our life. not worrying about is this done at the office or is that done..(i don't mind hard work as long as it counts for something, anything it just needs to count.

after all day of this pondering i do hope that we will still be the same two people we are now, maybe a little wiser, hopefully a little thinner, but still sugar (me) and spice (re) because that is what makes best friends.

and also in 10 years i better have some little ash's, cre's, bre's, because by then i'll almost be 45 and will need to know that the feelings i have now about my kids growing up will be felt by my kids except worst since they think it's so funny.

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